WIA offers a high quality academic preparation program, providing an immersive ELL experience, educating students to be knowledgeable, skilled, confident, and well-prepared for high school and future undergraduate study in the United States. ELL courses are scheduled and delivered to students during regular class times as an integral part of their high school education.
The WIA curriculum fulfills two purposes: 1) to provide instruction appropriate for students’ English proficiency levels; and 2) to hone students’ academic skills for high school success and future college study. The WIA curriculum focuses on skill development embedded in content area study and practice. Development of English language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing is delivered through relevant coursework. The WIA curriculum has evolved into a coherent and well-structured course of study; it continues to improve as it better responds to student needs and to the core value of preparing students effectively for high school and college study in the United States.
At the beginning of each semester, students are assessed on their English proficiency in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students are placed in one of four skill levels based on the results of assessments measuring primarily their reading and writing proficiency and secondarily their proficiency in speaking.